Individual adult psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is a journey in discovery, reflection and redefinition of self, behaviours, preferences and relationships with our important others. Stress, panic attacks, difficulties in relations, emotional difficulties, depression, self-esteem issues, eating disorders, psychosomatic symptoms are some of the issues that may concern someone who seeks individual psychotherapy. However, there are many who have psychotherapy for personal development, self-awareness and improvement of their interpersonal relationship, without experiencing any symptoms.
Before the first session, doubts and concerns may occur about the nature of the treatment, the results and much more. These are emotions absolutely logical, as the person faces a new condition in which he/she is called to trust someone who does not know, until then, and to talk about important and, sometimes, difficult issues. The first sessions are exploratory and give space to the treated to express openly all concerns and doubts and, of course, to discuss the reasons that led him/her to have an appointment with the psychologist-psychotherapist.
The treatment relationship is a very important part of the process. Like any human relationship, it needs time to be built and flourish. Each person has their own connection time with the therapeutic frame and this is perfectly normal. The healing relationship is absolutely based on confidentiality, acceptance, empathy and respect.
During the session, the patient discusses everything that may concerns him/her, unfolds his thoughts, expresses his feelings, describes his experiences, think of possible solutions to problems he mentions. Through active listening and discussion, the psychotherapist becomes a companion and assistant in the therapeutic journey, holds the torch and illuminates the paths the patient chooses. Gradually, the patient gains understanding and relieves the difficult symptoms, changes the way he thinks about them, accepts and trusts himself, listens to his needs, identifies the dysfunctional parts in his thoughts, feelings, behaviours and relationships and treats them in a different way.
The sessions last 60 minutes. They are usually weekly; however, their frequency is absolutely an individual case and they are defined after communication between the therapist and the patient, based on his/her request and needs.
The sessions last 60 minutes, however their frequency is a purely individual case and are defined after consultation between the patient and the therapist, based on the request and needs of the former.

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* To finalize your appointment, you will be preceded by a telephone call.